Our Products (375)

Madly In Love Buquet

Romantic roses in passionate shades of red, pink and purple express love and devotion to that special someone. Dense and dramatic, the classic blooms look especially chic in our modern red cube vase.

Make Me Blush Bouquet

Blushing pink roses and delicate white limonium add up to a feminine arrangement that's at once sweet and innocent - and fabulously flirty! At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467
Make a Wish Bouquet Bestseller

Make a Wish Bouquet

Make someone's dreams come true with this extra-special Make a Wish bouquet, Whatever the occasion, it's an eye-catching display that's sure to make someone's day.

Make Her Day

This sweet bouquet includes a vast array of green miniature hydrangea and light pink spray roses arranged in our citrus green glass cube. Includes green miniature hydrangea, light pink spray roses, green carnations, pink miniature carnations, pink matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greens.

Maple Leaf Bouquet

Fall elegance. Celebrate the simple beauty of a falling leaf with this captivating cube vase that later transforms into an elegant fall candleholder. Its rich brown glass is the perfect backdrop for a golden, hand-applied maple leaf and a majestic Thanksgiving bouquet. When you need to send the very best Thanksgiving floral arrangements! Call Grenville Station at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 for Thanksgiving flower delivery across Canada. By making you look good - we look good.

Meant to Be

Lush and lovely, yet delightfully delicate, the pale pinks, yellows and whites of this gorgeous bouquet look like they were made for one another. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. By making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Medium Dish Garden

Fast delivery of our Floral Designs! grenvillestation.com offers the best flowers in the GTA! Call today and speak with one of our designers to order the Medium Dish Garden. Bring the outdoors in with this lush green potted garden. Call today and speak with one of our designers about all your floral needs. We are always willing to change an arrangement to suit your colour preference. Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

Soft Rainbow Stacker

Mississauga's first choice for premium baby gifts! Choose from gift baskets for baby boys, gift baskets for baby girls or our unisex gift ideas! Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

Simply Chic Mixed Plant Basket

Mix it up! Pamper a stylish pal with this chic array of purple and pink flowering plants plus a delicate maidenhair fern. It's a living gift that keeps on giving!

Our Products (375)