Mother's Day Flowers
Flower arrangements are the traditional way to say I love you MOM. Have a look at the collection we have assembled for your special Mom.
905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

By making you look good - we look good.
Be sure to check our Mother's Day gift baskets for more choices for Mom.
We have plenty to choose from.
All of our baskets are wrapped and topped with a hand tied bow

Mother's Day Flowers (22)


Celebrate Mom Bouquet

Wrap Mom in love with this exquisite bouquet. Gorgeous shades of pink are beautifully arranged in our Celebrate Mom glass vase. It's sure to make a lasting impression. Pink spray roses, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and miniature carnations are accented with white sinuata statice and assorted greenery.

Happy Dots Bouquet

Let's get happy! Cheerful, hand-painted dots dance joyfully beneath a bright, beautiful mix of roses, alstroemeria, carnations and asters.At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Perfectly Pastel Bouquet

"Graceful and gorgeous" describes this stunning array of pastel flowers in a charming lavender vase tied with a pink satin ribbon. It's almost too pretty for words. But you'll hear many words of praise for sending it. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Enchanted Cottage Bouquet

As enchanting as coming across a hidden cottage in the countryside! Lush white roses and purple stock mix with delicate lavender waxflower and green pitta negra for an elegant English garden look. The decorative bouquet is finished with a pretty satin ribbon. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Arrive In Style Bouquet

Express your love with the eloquence of Shakespeare - without saying a word. She'll adore this exquisite bouquet of roses and lilies and other pastel favorites in a classic ginger vase. And she'll know just the words to let you know. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Always a Lady Bouquet

She'll always be your #1 lady. Remind her just how special she is - send a sensational gift she'll never forget. This beautiful bouquet of fragrant pink lilies and lush white roses is sure to make an impression! At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Zen Artistry

Artistry, indeed. Looking more like modern sculpture than a floral arrangement, this striking bouquet surprises with delicate purple orchids, mini bamboo and a colorful mix of blooms - sure to improve any room's feng shui. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Full Of Love Bouquet

It's a beauty-full pink arrangement brings spring joy to that special someone. It's beauty-full! At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Luxurious Lavender Bouquet

Whatever the occasion - when you truly want to spoil her, send this luxurious lavender arrangement!. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Mother's Day Flowers (22)
