Call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467
Grenville Station is a full service florist serving Oakville, Mississauga, Burlington, Brampton, Milton and the Greater Toronto area. Our on-line flower shop offers you the same exquisite designs made with the same creativity and care that you will find in our retail shoppe. Whether you are picking an arrangement from our Flower Market or seeking the services of a Floral Designer, exceeding your expectations is our goal. Grenville Station is a member of the Telaflora Floral Network of fine florists around the world. We deliver flowers locally, across Canada and around the world.

Flowers (23)


Garden Romance

Call Grenville Station Flowers for same day delivery of the freshest flowers in the Toronto area! Call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to send this stunning arrangement of purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses and white asiatic lilies perfectly presented in our violet cube vase.

Beautiful in Blue

Brighten the home with the peace and beauty of a bright blue sky. This beautiful bouquet pairs pure white flowers with deep blue blooms in a gorgeous blue glass vase.

Victorian romance Bouquet

Send an English garden someone's way with this gorgeous arrangement. Tendrils of green ivy trail delicately from a beautiful bunch of creamy roses and purple waxflower for a bouquet that's both traditional and unexpected.Call today and speak with one of our designers about all your floral needs. We are always willing to change the colour of an arrangement to suit your preference. Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

Sweet Thoughts Bouquet

A graceful heart of bear grass... tied with purple waxflower blossoms... forms a heart that appears to float above the velvety red roses in this delightful bouquet, arranged in a ruby-red cube vase. Send this beautiful floral arrangement to someone you love, and they'll think sweet thoughts about you! Call today and speak with one of our designers about all your floral needs. We will change the colour of any arrangement to suit your preference. Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

Purest Love Bouquet

Pure love deserves the pure luxury of this wondrous white bouquet. Fragrant lilies, lush hydrangea and delicate alstroemeria are carefully arranged in our Couture vase for an elegant look they will adore.Call today and speak with one of our designers about all your floral needs. We are always willing to change the colour of an arrangement to suit your preference. Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

Love's Divine Bouquet

It's like receiving an armful of love. This big, beautifully billowing bouquet of lush red and white roses in a sparkling Ming vase is guaranteed to take her breath away. She'll be dazzled, touched - and so glad that you're her guy. Call today and speak with one of our designers about all your floral needs. We will change the colour of any arrangement to suit your preference. Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

Be Sweet Bouquet

It's traditional. It's contemporary. It's the perfect gift for a sweet someone who's a little of both: Classic lavender roses and pink hydrangea presented in a wow glass cube with a dazzling silver finish. She'll be touched and impressed.Call today and speak with one of our designers about all your floral needs. We are always willing to change the colour of an arrangement to suit your preference. Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

Always a Lady Bouquet

She'll always be your #1 lady. Remind her just how special she is - send a sensational gift she'll never forget. This beautiful bouquet of fragrant pink lilies and lush white roses is sure to make an impression! At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Sapphire Skies Bouquet

Call Grenville Station Flowers for same day delivery of the freshest flowers in the Toronto area! Call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to send a Sapphire Skies Bouquet

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