Call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467
Grenville Station is a full service florist serving Oakville, Mississauga, Burlington, Brampton, Milton and the Greater Toronto area. Our on-line flower shop offers you the same exquisite designs made with the same creativity and care that you will find in our retail shoppe. Whether you are picking an arrangement from our Flower Market or seeking the services of a Floral Designer, exceeding your expectations is our goal. Grenville Station is a member of the Telaflora Floral Network of fine florists around the world. We deliver flowers locally, across Canada and around the world.

Flowers (22)


Enchanted Cottage Bouquet

As enchanting as coming across a hidden cottage in the countryside! Lush white roses and purple stock mix with delicate lavender waxflower and green pitta negra for an elegant English garden look. The decorative bouquet is finished with a pretty satin ribbon. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Radiant Reflections Arrangement

Send this sweet, sentimental bouquet on her birthday, Mother's Day, or any day you want to make her feel extra special. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Make Me Blush Bouquet

Blushing pink roses and delicate white limonium add up to a feminine arrangement that's at once sweet and innocent - and fabulously flirty! At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Violets And Butterflies

On the wings of love. Send your best wishes with a living gift basket of eye-catching African violets. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Always a Lady Bouquet

She'll always be your #1 lady. Remind her just how special she is - send a sensational gift she'll never forget. This beautiful bouquet of fragrant pink lilies and lush white roses is sure to make an impression! At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467
Possibly Pink Bouquet Bestseller

Possibly Pink Bouquet

Peach, pink and lavender blooms are a sweet and innocent way to show your affection. Boasting a beautiful variety of flowers, this chic bouquet of feminine colors is full of texture and makes a fabulous gift. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Meant to Be

Lush and lovely, yet delightfully delicate, the pale pinks, yellows and whites of this gorgeous bouquet look like they were made for one another. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. By making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Fashionista Blooms

Flowers are always in fashion! Especially this chic mix of pinks, greens and yellows, arranged in a style evoking the English hand-tied bouquet. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Full Of Love Bouquet

It's a beauty-full pink arrangement brings spring joy to that special someone. It's beauty-full! At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Flowers (22)
