Call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467
Grenville Station is a full service florist serving Oakville, Mississauga, Burlington, Brampton, Milton and the Greater Toronto area. Our on-line flower shop offers you the same exquisite designs made with the same creativity and care that you will find in our retail shoppe. Whether you are picking an arrangement from our Flower Market or seeking the services of a Floral Designer, exceeding your expectations is our goal. Grenville Station is a member of the Telaflora Floral Network of fine florists around the world. We deliver flowers locally, across Canada and around the world.

Flowers (24)


Pretty Please Bouquet

Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice! Pretty Please is a great way to make someone smile. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467
How Sweet It Is Bouquet Bestseller

How Sweet It Is Bouquet

A sweet treat any day of the week! Warm, rich colours of pink and orange are contrasted with fresh green - a welcome combination for any occasion. Send it to sweeten a best friend's birthday, say "hi" to mom, or delight your better half.

Celebrate Mom Bouquet

Wrap Mom in love with this exquisite bouquet. Gorgeous shades of pink are beautifully arranged in our Celebrate Mom glass vase. It's sure to make a lasting impression. Pink spray roses, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and miniature carnations are accented with white sinuata statice and assorted greenery.

Lavender Splendor Bouquet

Simply stunning! She'll adore the simple, elegant splendor of lavender long stemmed roses presented in a glorious blown glass vase. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Arrive In Style Bouquet

Express your love with the eloquence of Shakespeare - without saying a word. She'll adore this exquisite bouquet of roses and lilies and other pastel favorites in a classic ginger vase. And she'll know just the words to let you know. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet

Even if she's already in a great mood, this cheerfully charming bouquet will boost her spirits to the sky. Yellow roses, crème roses and other favorites in a sleek silver cube vase - irresistible!
Make a Wish Bouquet Bestseller

Make a Wish Bouquet

Make someone's dreams come true with this extra-special Make a Wish bouquet, Whatever the occasion, it's an eye-catching display that's sure to make someone's day.

Fashionista Blooms

Flowers are always in fashion! Especially this chic mix of pinks, greens and yellows, arranged in a style evoking the English hand-tied bouquet. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Zen Artistry

Artistry, indeed. Looking more like modern sculpture than a floral arrangement, this striking bouquet surprises with delicate purple orchids, mini bamboo and a colorful mix of blooms - sure to improve any room's feng shui. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Flowers (24)
