Our Products (375)

Love's Divine Bouquet

It's like receiving an armful of love. This big, beautifully billowing bouquet of lush red and white roses in a sparkling Ming vase is guaranteed to take her breath away. She'll be dazzled, touched - and so glad that you're her guy. Call today and speak with one of our designers about all your floral needs. We will change the colour of any arrangement to suit your preference. Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

King's Red Rose Boutonniere

The King's Red Rose Boutonniere. Nothing says romance like red roses. Call today and speak with one of our designers about all your boutonniere needs. Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

Kensington Gardens Bouquet

Royally beautiful! As enchanting as a walk through an English garden, this elegant bouquet charms and delights with its lush variety of red, white and pink blooms - not to mention its fabulous fragrance!

In Memoriam Wreath

Keep fond memories close to your heart with this lovely feminine floral wreath. It's perfect to surround a framed photo of the departed. Includes a multitude of flowers such as roses and carnations, along with pink gerberas, oriental lilies and snapdragons, purple orchids and asters, plus lavender delphinium. Green button spray chrysanthemums provide beautiful accents.

Snow Show

With the snow putting on a show, send the perfect gift to watch the snow fly! Call Grenville Station at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 for Christmas Holiday Gift Baskets delivered across Canada. When you need to send the very best Christmas Holiday Gift Baskets! By making you look good - we look good.

Red Poinsettia Basket

Nothing says Christmas like a red poinsettia! A traditional Christmas decoration; send this red poinsettia plant as a holiday gift - or keep it for yourself! When you need to send the very best Christmas Holiday plants! Call Grenville Station at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 for Christmas plant delivery across Canada. By making you look good - we look good.

Merry & Bright Bouquet

This Christmas bouquet stays true to its name! Merry and Bright! Call Grenville Station at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 for Christmas flower delivery across Canada. When you need to send the very best Christmas Holiday floral arrangements! By making you look good - we look good.

Holiday Glow Centrepiece

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Add a warm glow to your holiday d‚cor with this lush arrangement. When you need to send the very best Christmas Holiday floral arrangements! Call Grenville Station at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 for Christmas flower delivery across Canada. By making you look good - we look good.


New house? Help them call it "home" with this cozy collection of lovely treats!

Our Products (375)