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Basket of Joy

Fast delivery of our Floral Designs! offers the best flowers in the GTA! Call today and speak with one of our designers to order a Basket of Joy. Potted kalanchoe plants are flowering, tropical succulents that require very little attention - though you'd never guess it from their pretty appearance. Paired with an ivy plant in a natural gift basket for an extra special delivery! Call today and speak with one of our designers about all your floral needs. We are always willing to change an arrangement to suit your colour preference. Call us at 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to order.

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Gift Options
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Add a full size greeting card to your flowers.
Include balloons with your order.
Send some chocolate with your order.
Include a plush with your order.
Include a plush with your order.
Enter any special instructions that will help us deliver your flowers.